A day done my way…A glimpse into my life as a legal nurse consultant (that also included my son looking like the terminator LOL!)

I’ve gotten many questions about what my day to day looks like as a legal nurse consultant.

But here’s the thing… I don’t want to give you a ‘typical’ day- anyone can give you a typical day.  

I am going to give you a glimpse into an actual, needed to flex and change, unexpected, not-so-planned day…  so you can see the power of working for yourself and see how I get to maximize my freedom and control. 

Sound good?


Just one more thing, let me preface this by noting that I plan my days a day in advance.

So today being Monday (as I write this) I planned today out on Friday before closing up shop!

Morning Routine (6:30 AM – 8:30 AM):

The typical- get my kids ready for school, feed them breakfast, drink my tea and check emails.  Then it’s off to take the kids to school and for today!- an eye doctor appointment for my oldest son- Chasiin.

Start Delay Work (8:30 AM – 11:00 AM):

So typically when I get back home, I can start my time block for attorney client follow up and connections. However…

Today required some changing. 🙂 Yep! And no one needed to know and I didn’t need permission to be late… none of that stuff.  Just taking my kiddo to his first eye exam.

Which leads to the unexpected- dilating the eyes. LOL. And then my 6 yo not being able to see…so now I wonder, how is he going to go to school- his pupils are so large he looks like a brain injury patient! (only a nurse mom’s thought, I know right.)

Change in plans! Back to his school to deliver the ‘missing school today’ note and to collect his school work, and then, back home WITH a kid on board (also not planned 🙂 )

Meetings/Non-billable tasks (11:00 AM – 12:30 PM):

I typically would have already been done doing follow up’s (I like to do mine on Mondays and Thursdays- and I use my all-in-one platform- the LNC Blueprint™- which makes following up swift) but today, plans got changed…

I brought home a child for the entire day. 🙂

Flexibility- yes! And today, I was maximizing it. 

So by this time, I am getting my son settled, updating my hubby (he also works from home), and grabbing a snack to sit down at my desk and get going on a few things (emails to catch anything urgent). I’m going to have to reschedule my planned follow ups. 

Ok. Done.

Lunch Break (12:30 PM – 1:00 PM):

Lunch break! Nope. Today I’ve snacked, so let me get prepped for my first scheduled call at 1pm. 

Client Meetings/ Report Writing (1:00 PM – 4:00 PM):

Wow, today I have back to back calls lined up- totally fine. My son is fine, my hubby is all good watching my son (lol- had to throw that in for giggles-but true), and I can grab another glass of water and take a potty break right before I get going. 

And I hop into calls…

All good for a few hours. But wouldn’t you know!- someone needs mommy.  🙂  

That’s ok.. That’s the beauty of this business—  “Hey Jacob. Real quick, I need just a second, my son is home today from a doctor appointment, can I take a quick sec?”  Meeting still goes well, and my son- Chasiin even shows off his terminator-looking glasses he’s still wearing from his dilation procedure. (They do actually look pretty cool for temp glasses)

And off to the next few meetings, with my son playing in the living room, drawing treasure maps, while I take care of things from my office. 

And just like that- we adjust. 

We are flexible, and I am able to prioritize my family and work at the same time. No. Big. Deal.

Wrapping Up (4:00 PM – 5:00 PM)

At this point, I’ll typically start wrapping up my work day. And I’ll do the same for today.

Any case work I had planned, I can move until tomorrow. And I have already taken care of anything urgent. 

So on to my daily planning and journaling. Which I do at the end of every day. It’s a game changer in sleep being restful, and me feeling capable of just jumping up and moving right into my next day (minimizing all the worrying).

Today, I didn’t get it all done. But it’s ok.  I’m looking at my next day obligations/ pre-scheduled meetings, and I am blocking time around that for adding in the tasks planned for today that got bumped.

And I am blocking morning and evening family time. Non-negotiable for me. 

And after I journal, I check my planner and check for any last minute messages, and clock out! (I do usually clock out around 4pm- latest 5pm each day- depending on if it’s my day to go pick up kiddos or not).

And that’s it. Yep.

Now, that may not be a typical day, but I wanted you to see what happens in my life as it really happens. 

We can all plan out “typical days” but what about allllll the non-typical days! How do we deal with that!??

Like I do.  Remembering that I am the person who decides when and how much I work.

I am the person who gets to re-prioritize my day so that I am with those that take priority in my life. 

I am the person who gets to rearrange my next day without feeling guilty, sad, overwhelmed, or even stressed. 

Because today can be any day for anyone.

But it’s not likely that anyone can have the luxury of flexibility, freedom, and control to do what I did today, on any day (not without repercussions).

And that’s the beauty of working from home as a legal nurse consultant 🙂


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