But can’t I find all that I need to know about legal nursing online for free?!

If you’re anything like me…I’m sure you’ve had this thought cross your mind when it comes to legal nurse consulting…

“But I could learn all of this on the internet for free, right?!”

…and yes you absolutely could, but coming from someone who tried that (and failed majorly!) I want to lovingly advise you AGAINST that. 

Here’s why.

Short and simple- it’s just gonna waste precious time, cause you frustration and overwhelm, and cost you money in the process!

There is SO MUCH INFORMATION on the internet. To the point where sometimes it feels like a maze. 

How do you determine what’s correct and sound advice? How do you know that this person teaching you has a successful business and isn’t just spouting off random details that aren’t even important to business building? 

How do you filter out what you need to know and what you don’t need to know?

How do you know what to search for and learn first?

Who do you go to to ask questions?

OMG I’m stressing right now just thinking about this 😂😅

So, yes…you COULD find it all on the internet for free.

But at what cost? It’s still gonna cost you something- time, stress, your mental well-being, the list goes on. 

And consider the time you spend doing all this stuff that could actually be spent getting cases and clients… that’s money lost! And money left on the table for someone else to swoop in and get.

So consider all of this as you compare your options.

Just like when you got your first nursing job, I’d bet you had a preceptor, right?! Someone who showed you the reigns and helped you navigate those first few months as a new nurse.  

Apply that same principle to your journey into legal nurse consulting…find someone who has been successful; someone you can trust to guide you to building a successful business and teach you all you need to know.

And if you have any questions?! Let’s chat! I’m always here for you! 


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