How to get a head start in legal nursing

Ready to turn your legal nurse consulting journey from questions to solutions?! Keep reading…

Starting this journey is an exciting one! 

But I won’t lie and say that it’s all peaches and cream…

…It can at times feel daunting and overwhelming. 

…Like staring down at your to-do list with everything that needs done to get your business started…

Website creation? 

Create a brand? 

What even is a brand? 

How do I know what to put on my website? 

Once I hit 6 figures, how do I sustain that? 

How many cases do I need to hit 6 figures? 

Sooo many questions…

These were questions I had when I started my business and we continue to hear these questions pop up from nurses as they start their journey. 

So we decided to take action!

Solution: We created the Business Growth Bundle.

The Business Growth Bundle ensures you are set up for success and makes starting your legal nurse consulting business a breeze!

Here’s what the Business Growth Bundle can do for you:

Branding + Website Creation

Your online presence is your brand. It’s where potential clients will first encounter your services, and it’s essential to make a lasting impression. With our Business Growth Bundle, you get a branding and website package that’s tailor-made to elevate your personal brand and showcase your expertise. Designed by our personal website and branding designer, it’s the perfect tool to establish trust and credibility right from the start.

Navigate the Path to Six Figures

Success in legal nurse consulting is not just an aspiration; it’s an achievable goal with the right plan and support. Our Business Growth Bundle includes a “6 Figure Scale Up Call” where I will sit down with you and meticulously analyze your business, step by step. We’ll look at the numbers and create a roadmap to success. We evaluate your progress, identify growth opportunities, and project your income potential. It’s a game-changer for your legal nurse consulting journey.

Continued Support for Ongoing Success

Our commitment to your success doesn’t end with your mentorship program. With the bundle, you’ll have access to a private one-hour “Business Growth Call” with any member of our expert team. This support extends even after you’ve completed your initial training. We’re here to help you navigate challenges, explore new strategies, and ensure your ongoing success in your business.

Imagine starting your legal nurse consulting business and sitting down with a professional brand + website designer to have yours done FOR YOU! FOR FREE! 

How much time and stress would that take off of the process?

And how valuable it is to have a 6-figure scale up call to analyze your business and growth PLUS a private one-on-one in addition?

Our goal is to make it easy to say yes to yourself and  help set you up for success- so you can focus on business building and getting your cases and clients. 

Remember, we’re here to support you every step of the way.

If you have questions or need more information, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Let’s get you set up for success!! 


10 LNC Business Essentials

Become a Legal Nurse Consultant

6 Figure Income Projection + Cases & Clients in 16 Weeks or Less...

(Or We’ll Work With You 1-On-1 For Free Until You Do)

Stephaney Edwards - Legal Nurse Consulting Mentorship

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